
What is architecture?

       Building is a basic need and social act. The primary aim of architecture was to fulfil the basic human need for security, providing protection from the weather and attack from wild animals. Thus, it is quite strong and almost impossible to escape the evidence of building activity wherever people lived.
       Architecture also was considered as “mother” of visual arts, as painting and sculpture often developed in the context of a building context. For an example, the magical carve painting is usually served as a decoration of building, lasting forever if the building do not crash.
In the most often cases, the image of a building is just “four walls” and a “roof”, which separate human beings from outside environment. But a building means a lot more. It greatly changes what the external environment look like. So there must be a relationship between external and inner environment.
In addition, when we see a wonderful building, questions come up, “Who build this?”, “Who commissioned this?
The designer is the soul of a building. He defines the content of the building, not only on material aspect, but also in spiritual mind.

